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Driverless operation system

Driverless operation system is a set of unmanned automatic operation system launched by our company and integrated with 5g communication technology with high-definition industrial camera, radar, sensor, PLC and other supporting equipment. Through the design of controller redundancy, laser technology distance measurement redundancy, absolute value encoder redundancy and multi link safety control strategy, It can be widely used in large unmanned automation projects such as ports, docks, mines, large workshops and so on.
* The system is stable, safe, easy to expand, easy to operate and easy to maintain;
* Support 5g communication with low delay;
* Support anti sway control technology;
* Support self diagnosis function;
* Support the generation of optimal speed model;
* Support sling action sequence control;
* Support multi vehicle coordination technology;
* It can realize semi / full automatic operation;
* Support real-time monitoring of equipment status;
* Support equipment fault alarm;
* Support to view equipment maintenance history;
* Support automatic generation of task reports;
* Support operation query;
* Support voice broadcasting;
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